v1.4 - Schmovement

In case you missed it, we recently released v1.3 to add shields, ranged, monsters, and more.

The major focus of this major release, v1.4, is generosity

One of the things that was clear from player feedback last patch was that moving around the level felt strained and restrictive, so now YOU MOVE WITH CARDS. No keyboard required.



This movement ties well into our targeting system and now allows for diagonal movement!  As well as obviously being able to move multiple times a turn -- when you would draw multiple move cards (and you have many opportunities to add or remove movement cards).  This is a small change to be sure, but a fundamental one that has really increased player skill expression.  And if you read only one thing and want to give this a try, be sure to leave us some feedback on our discord after!

Also, all items are automatically picked up at the end of a floor.

But how exciting is movement on its own when you are a Leyliner, a powerful magic user in your own right? So we've added powerful movement cards to teleport long distances in a style suited to the power of the element it belongs to.

Engine Cards

Common to deck builders are engine cards: cards that let you traverse and manage your deck.  With the addition of move cards to the deck and quickly cranking out new card additions every patch we needed to give players an opportunity to build combos within their deck to achieve even greater heights.  Invoke Energy cards have carried the day on this for long enough.  And while we aren't saying goodbye to them just yet, we are giving them some much needed company.  Each color (Fire, Blood, Electricity, Moon) now has access to unique cards to make them better at casting more spells at the right time. 

More attune changes

We've made it much simpler to get the colors you want on Attune.


Long overdue are classes.  We're starting small with just two, but they pack a big punch!

  • Expert: Creates mana of your chosen color at the start of every floor.
  • Tactician: Playing cards of your primary color makes other color spells cheaper.


Another fundamental change to allow for more skill expression are consumables. Before everything you picked up was  automatically used. Now potions can be used exactly when you need them! And these consumables ARE potions -- meaning they are made of glass and are VERY fragile!

 Here are the consumables we've added:

  • Draw 3 potion
  • Mana potion (generates mana nearby)
  • Shield Potion
  • Teleport Potion (Random, but never close)
  • Panic potion (Teleports hostiles away)
  • Move potion

The Boss & The QUAKE

One of the things we've churned over internally is the level end state and goal.  And ultimately we think the boss as is wasn't living up to its  purpose and was causing some conflict on player goals.  The bosses aren't gone forever, in fact it might be back VERY soon 🙃But in the interim we took what is our game's clock, the boss coming out of stasis, and made it into its own feature: The Quake.  And we would really love to hear player feedback on this one!

Summoning 101

Truth be told summoning was never meant to exist in the state it has for this long.  Summons now work differently:  Once played it leaves your deck and remains 'on the field' and does not go to the discard until the summoned minion dies.  This is a stark contrast and some might even say, 'nerf' to summons as a whole and that has been factored in to both the summoning cards themselves and the cards that only affect minions.

New Keywords and Statuses

  • BOLSTERED - Temporary bonus HP that you can use for new HP costs on certain cards.
  • EMPOWERED - Spell power increases by 1 per stack until end of turn.
  • EPIPHANY- Your next spell costs 1 less per stack.
  • ENGORGE - MINION gains max HP and heals for that amount.
  • EXHAUST - Goes into your Exhaust pile until the next combat.
  • EPHEMERAL - This card will EXHAUST if not played.
  • PHASE - Place the most expensive card in your hand on the bottom of the deck.

Mana Generation Display

Many cards generate bonus instantaneous mana such as the invoke cards.  Now these cards will SHOW you where the mana will be placed when you hover the card.  No more guessing how it will affect your turn.


As we have developed new features we haven't needed to lean on older ones as much.  As such some of the cards that were redundant or never picked have been taken back to R&D.  They may return but if they do in a much stronger and compelling form.  This list would be massive if it listed every card change this patch so instead here are some highlights:

  • Berserk cards now give MUCH more berserk
  • Minion healing is cheaper or more powerful.
  • FLARE and SPREAD are now much more AOE focused.
  • REKINDLE effects are much more single target focused.
  • Minion health and damage tweaks.
  • Changed amount of breakable items spawned.
  • Shields no longer are doubly effective against ranged damage.

And special thanks to:

  • fynm 
  • FerretDev
  • The_GoatRodeo
  • Drestinr
  • geldonyetich
  • Ulfsire
  • Kyzrati

New Cards


Burning Knowledge
Suffer 5 BURNING.  Draw 3.
PyromaniaSpell power increases by 10 until end of turn.
3Puff of Smoke
Generate 2 mana. TELEPORT. EXHAUST.


Pay 5 life.  Generate 3 mana.
Draw Blood
Deal 3 damage and BOLSTER for damage dealt.
1Chroma Burst
Create 2 blood mana for each mana type in hand. EXHAUST.
3Small Price
Sacrifice target MINION to swap places with it. EXHAUST.
3HeartripperPay 30 life to kill target.
3Firstborn SinPay 5 life to create Firstborn Wrath in hand. EXHAUST.
0Firstborn Lust
Pay 5 life to create Firstborn Gluttony in hand. Deal 15 damage. EXHAUST. EPHEMERAL.
0Firstborn Gluttony
Pay 10 life to create Firstborn Greed in hand. Deal 30 damage. EXHAUST. EPHEMERAL.
0Firstborn GreedPay 15 life to create Firstborn Sloth in hand. Deal 45 damage. EXHAUST. EPHEMERAL.
0Firstborn SlothPay 20 life to create Firstborn Envy in hand. Deal 60 damage. EXHAUST. EPHEMERAL.
0Firstborn EnvyPay 25 life to create Firstborn Wrath in hand. Deal 75 damage. EXHAUST. EPHEMERAL.
0Firstborn WrathPay 30 life to create Firstborn Pride in hand. Deal 90 damage. EXHAUST. EPHEMERAL.
0Firstborn PridePay 35 life to create Firstborn Pride in hand. Deal 105 damage. EXHAUST. EPHEMERAL.
Damage all units in radius 3 for 5.  BOLSTER for the damage dealt.


Moon Phase
PHASE 2.  Draw for each card phased.
Moon Walk
Create 3 Moon Move cards in hand with exhaust. EXHAUST.
1Chroma Beam
Deal 8 damage for each unique mana type in hand. EXHAUST.


Your next spell costs 2 less. EXHAUST.
Power Bank
Your next spell costs X less. EXHAUST.
1Chroma Field
Gain 8 shield for each mana type in hand. EXHAUST.


  • Fixed a bug where attunement could lock you out of moving.
  • Line of Sight is now Reversible (No more one-way shots around corners from enemy attacks)

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